Sunday, January 1, 2012

The sound of one hand typing

The title is a little more impressive than the content  in all likelihood. I'm trying to edit my blog on my kindle fire. It's working so far, but this is a slow process. For your edification, I will leave in all my spelling errors.
In any case, here we allare in a new year. Not terribly exciting for me as I've fonr it 43 times, but  there is still the notion of a fresh start. So now, I guess I make with the resolutions for 2012. In no particular order:
1) Cut another 20 pounds.
2) Finish the zombie book.
3) Write more for anthologies.
4) Write and direct a feature length film.
5) Find a way to reconnect with my lizard.
6) Look good naked.
Wow, now I feel all exposed, so to speak.
That seems a little cheesy, even for me, but I'm just kinda revving the engine. I have a letter to my brother-in-law to write and, hopefully, another 1000 words on the zombie novel mentioned above. I need to get more disciplined about making myself take writing time. I want to start trerating it just a little more like a task I need to complete, while still managing to enjoy myself.
To that end, I'm setting word goals, but not being aso concerned on what I'm writing. Letters/ blogs/ fiction/ scripts, it will all be one.
That's the guy I want to be in 2012. How about you?
Peace in the meantime.


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