Thursday, November 6, 2014

Reasonable Guy 3: A Vote Not Wasted

I’ve heard it said that running for political office should disqualify one for the job. I subscribe to this notion, albeit from the cynical perspective that you’d have to be a fool to want most of those jobs on their own merits and a snake to want them with an agenda.

So where does that leave us? Like Diogenes looking for an honest man with a lantern in broad daylight? Could be.

With that in mind, let me tell you about my 2014 mid-term election experience.

There was a senate race in my state between a reactionary crackpot and a lazy opportunistic creep and a county attorney race where an arrogant two-fisted thief was running uncontested. I stared at them for a while and thought about smoking and necessary evils. I looked at the blanks underneath and smiled. I wrote myself in on both contests.

Did I throw away my votes? Possibly. But only because others, faced with the same unpalatable choice, were not doing the same thing.

So, here I am, offering an alternative to voting badly and wasting it entirely. I don’t want political office, but, if you can’t make a choice from the ballot, choose me. Do it by the hundreds and thousands. Say, with simple elegance that we need someone better, but we aren’t sitting home doing nothing.

PS. I am also looking for input. Does anyone know what the impact of a write-in winner would be? I don’t see how a machine could count hand-written replies, so I’m guessing it would require a manual recount. Then, if there is a clear winner, I would hope that a new election would be held for that office. I would further hope that anyone beaten under such circumstances would have the good grace not to run again.
Let me know what you know. Let me know what you think.

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